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Why are my eyes sore?

The sore eye is a broad term describing a range of possible sensations within the eyes. Your eyes may feel tired, heavy, and hard to keep open.

Have a look at some of the symptoms, reasons, and cures.

Symptom 1

You've just started to use a new brand of mascara and shortly after, your eyes became itchy, then red and swollen and they started to tear up.

It could be

An allergy to mascara is quite a common condition. Nail varnish can also do the same as you touch your eyes constantly.


Ditch the mascara. Don't use any eye make-up until the inflammation around the eyes has gone. If necessary, use a low-dose steroid cream on your eyelids for the itch and redness.

Symptoms 2

You got a bit of grit in your eye and had difficulty removing it. Since then your eye has become red and sore and it's sensitive to light, so you keep it closed.

It could be

Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the ultra-thin conjunctiva, which covers the whites of your eyes and inside your eyelids.


Go to a pharmacist who'll give you antibiotic eye drops to bring the infection under control. If it's not better in two to three days, consult your doctor.

Symptom 3

With no warning, your eye has become red and tender and your vision is blurred. You are in your mid-70s

It could be

Glaucoma is a condition where fluid builds up within the eyeball causing pain and pressure on the retina at the back of the eye. This affects your sight. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness, if untreated.


Glaucoma is serious. Visit a specialist for immediate treatment and decompression of the eyeball.

What's this lump on my eyelid?

There are many conditions that cause cysts, lumps, and bumps on the eyelids. In most cases, these are benign such as styes, chalazia, and cysts. Occasionally they can be a sign of something more serious such as a tumor.

Have is three symptoms, reasons, and cures.

Symptom 1

You have a painful red lump on your eyelid that is filled with yellow pus.

It could be

A stye is an infection of a lash follicle. It's quite common and could clear up on its own in one or two weeks.


Hold a clean flannel soaked in warm water against the stye for five to 10 minutes. Repeat three or four times a day until it bursts. Never try to burst a stye or remove an eyelash as this can spread infection.

Symptom 2

You've developed a small hard lump or cyst in your eyelid. It's tender and getting bigger.

It could be

Chalazion, inflammation in a sebaceous gland attaches to an eyelash. Some chalazion can be safely left and get better by themselves.


Clean the edges of your eyelids twice daily with a moistened cotton bud. With a warm flannel, gently massage your upper lid downwards to the eyelashes, and your lower lid upward, depending on where the cyst is.

Symptom 3

You've developed yellowish plaques around the inner corners of your eyes. They're not painful but they're getting bigger and are unsightly.

It could be

Xanthelasmas, which is a localized accumulation of cholesterol, are common in people who have congenital high cholesterol and anyone who has persistently high cholesterol.


The deposits can be removed with freezing surgery (cryotherapy), laser surgery, extreme heat surgery (electric needle), and traditional surgery to remove the plaques and repair the skin.


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