Haemophilia is a genetic disorder that causes a person’s blood to be unable to clot properly. Also, it can be caused by the parents to a child.
There are many misunderstandings about the bleeding disease. Here are three key ones:-
If a person with haemophilia gets cut, they will bleed to death
Not so. People with haemophilia get bruising or bleeding in muscles and joints, which if left untreated can cause long-term damage.
Haemophilia only affects men
This is a common myth. Haemophilia can also affect women but it is rare. The haemophilia gene is on the sex chromosome X (female), and as men only have one, they're more vulnerable. This is why the majority of people with haemophilia are men.
Iron, certain vitamins and peanuts can cure haemophilia
This is definitely not true. There is no cure for haemophilia. Current treatment includes replacement of the missing clotting factor VIII, as well as non-factor replacement treatments. Gene therapy is being explored.
We occasionally bump into furniture or trip over something and fall which results in a bruise. It can be painful but generally not a reason for concern.
However, if you notice any of these signs talk to your doctor.
You have a fever with bruising.
Your bruise appeared instantly after an injury.
You get large bruises without knocking into something or getting an injury.
You have an infection with streaks of redness spreading out from the bruise.
Your bruise doesn't seem to heal.
You notice you're getting bruises more often than before.
You get bruises after taking a new drug.
You get crops of bruises without warning.